
PreMortem Masterclass

PreMortem Masterclass

Gary Klein, creator of the PreMortem, said “People don’t speak up when they have a chance. That is why we need a PreMortem.” Learn more about it in this week’s blog post!

Pump Up The Volume

Pump Up The Volume

One of my most memorable ITK experiences in 2022 involved leading 70 people through a Mission Canvas exercise. We divided the team into ten groups of seven, which means over the course of the hour I got to see 10 Mission statements take shape, ten different...

40 Books I Love

40 Books I Love

This week’s post is a list of books for your perusal. Just titles & authors, no descriptions (you’ll have to look those up yourself). Enjoy!

Writing Is Hard

Writing Is Hard

Do you ever have a hard time figuring out what to write? Join the club! This week’s blog post looks at last week’s blog post and explores the difficulty of writing a short piece…

The Maintenance Question

The Maintenance Question

I recently came across a question that's been bouncing around in my head ever since: "What does it take to maintain that?" It's a good question to ask about anything you come across, from a building or a bridge or a website to a process or a cultural norm or a high...