
40 Books I Love

40 Books I Love

This week’s post is a list of books for your perusal. Just titles & authors, no descriptions (you’ll have to look those up yourself). Enjoy!

Writing Is Hard

Writing Is Hard

Do you ever have a hard time figuring out what to write? Join the club! This week’s blog post looks at last week’s blog post and explores the difficulty of writing a short piece…

The Maintenance Question

The Maintenance Question

I recently came across a question that's been bouncing around in my head ever since: "What does it take to maintain that?" It's a good question to ask about anything you come across, from a building or a bridge or a website to a process or a cultural norm or a high...


Can we talk about feedback for a moment? When you make something and share it with the world (an activity I highly recommend!), you're creating a situation where people might express an opinion about what you created and shared. That's kinda the goal and often is...

How To Write A Blog Post

How To Write A Blog Post

Last week's post was about how to make videos. So I figured this week I'd let you in on my secret technique for writing blog posts! It's pretty simple, actually. I open my Outlook calendar, find an open 30-minute slot, and create an appointment with myself titled...