It’s Time For An Icebreaker
Want to jump-start your meetings, so that people feel comfortable and engaged right away? Try an icebreaker! This week’s post has several tips you can use.
Four Takeaways from a Creative Project
Guest blogger Allison Khaw shares a story of a recent side project, and the creativity lessons she learned.
Measuring Innovation Impact
Let’s talk about how to measure innovation.
Friendly Followers
What are “friendly followers” and why are they the key to successful leadership? Read this week’s blog post to find out!
The Best
As the Olympics come to a close, this week’s post explores the concept of being The Best.
How To Be Curious
Have you ever wanted to be more curious? This blog post has a suggestion for you…
Let’s Try This!
These three little words are a magic formula for launching experiments & making change happen.
The Path To Perfection
The book was titled Perfect Vegetables, so imagine my surprise when I opened it to a random page and came across this line: “None of the methods proved satisfactory. The wrapped leeks were too tough and dry, while the naked ones were too tough to chew.” I was struck...
Writing is…
A thought-piece exploring the question of whether writing is hard or easy.
ITK Beyond Innovation
ITK isn’t really about innovation… or is it?