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ITK’s Website Refresh!

ITK’s Website Refresh!

As you've probably noticed, the ITK website has a whole new look and layout! We've redesigned all the tools, added lots of new content and material, and even made it easier to filter through the tools to find just the one you need. We hope this refresh makes the site...

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Clean Water For Communities in Need

Today's post is by guest blogger Riley Fujioka! Did you know that 2.2 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water? Or that globally, 1 in 4 healthcare facilities lack basic water services? You can help bring clean water to these underserved...

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Collaboration Tips

This week's blog post is by Maria Altebarmakian, one of our new ITK Trainees!  By now we have all felt the pain of trying to collaborate and communicate with others remotely. Messages go unseen or unanswered, a train of thought is interrupted by a constant stream of...

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