Facilitating Org Transformation: A Workshop Summary

Facilitating Org Transformation: A Workshop Summary

This post is by Elisa Miller and Mariam Ibrahim Chahine, ITK Facilitators at MITRE. 

Organizational change is always a challenge because most teams perceive that change will be difficult, costly and weird. We were tasked with figuring out how to integrate a functional enterprise information technology (EIT) team into a larger acquisition team for one of our sponsors. The goal of the three-day workshop was to restructure EIT and the Acquisition teams into an efficient service-orientated team. During the workshop we realized organizational changes would be required to make this a success. The challenge of this workshop was to help the participants not only embrace change, more so to lead it and own it. 

We led the teams through a series of exercises over the three days including:  

  • Challenge Discovery Exercises – to make sure all the participants were on the same page as to why they were there. 
  • Pre-mortem Exercise – to look at what the outcomes would be if this program was not successful. 
  • Eco-system Mapping Exercises – to identify strengths and uncover opportunities for growth within the organization. 
  • Defining the Customer Session – to discuss how the organization defines who their end customer is.  
  • Service Design Blueprinting Introduction and Initial discussion–to understand how these blueprints can be used to aid their upcoming ServiceNow implementation. 

As facilitators we remained flexible during the workshops. Each afternoon, we met with the team’s leadership to discuss the next day’s activities. These discussions helped us reshape the next day’s plans and exercises to better meet the team’s goals. 

The team expressed their enthusiasm about the potential benefits of service blueprinting; now they have a clearer and more structured understanding of their services and customers. 

The plan going forward is for them to work on their organizational evolution and re-engage with the ITK team to create more Service Blueprints in preparation for their ServiceNow implementation.  

Reflections from Developing the Simplified Vision Canvas

Reflections from Developing the Simplified Vision Canvas

This post is by Allison Khaw, an ITK Facilitator at MITRE.

The original Mission & Vision Canvas is a staple of the Innovation Toolkit—it addresses a common need, it’s impactful, and it’s fun.

The Mission & Vision Canvas helps you develop new Mission and Vision statements or refine existing ones. A Mission is meant to be implementation-focused; it “describes present activities in concrete terms”. In contrast, a Vision is meant to be everlasting and inspiring; it “describes future conditions in aspirational terms”.

Even for tools that are well-established like this one, periodic revisions are usually worthwhile. Change is inevitable, after all, and evolving a product can have long-term benefits.

Gif of simplified mission vision canvas

In early 2023, Gabby Raymond (another ITK Facilitator) and I discussed ways that the Mission & Vision Canvas could be improved, starting with the “Vision” half. We had used the tool a number of times, and we had ideas.

As we began experimenting, our ideas morphed into actual design changes. We wanted a clearer focus on “what”, “how”, “who”, “where”, and “why”; to do this, we redesigned the prompts to capture them as more informative questions. In order to reduce the barrier to entry, we added more helper resources, including a word bank and a variety of Vision templates. We also revisited the “Quality Check” and provided a fresh set of Mission and Vision examples from other companies. We even wanted a bigger intermediate brainstorming space!

All of this came from experience, but at the same time, it wasn’t obvious from day one—it took considerable time to articulate what we were looking for. Our intent was never to create a completely new tool, but rather to create an updated tool that highlighted the best parts of the original one while bringing forward complementary improvements to streamline the experience. With this in mind, we created the Simplified Vision Canvas.

How did we find our way to this updated tool? What follows is a set of six reflections on what worked best for us. Hopefully, this will prove valuable for your own projects!

1. Do your research. At the start, Gabby and I analyzed numerous Mission and Vision statements previously created using the Mission & Vision Canvas, as well as Mission and Vision examples from various companies. We looked for similarities in content and format, gauging ones that worked well and ones that didn’t. We also sought out general advice on developing Mission and Vision statements, eager to learn everything we could.

2. Build off of what already exists, rather than trying to create something from scratch. I want to emphasize again that we were intentional about keeping the foundational aspects of the Mission & Vision Canvas, because we knew it worked, and we didn’t want to lose that. Based on our practical experience, we focused on the parts of the tool that we believed should be modified. We simply wanted to make something already great even better.

3. Recognize that a low level of consistent progress is better than no progress at all. We worked on the Simplified Vision Canvas as a side project over seven months, assigning ourselves “homework” in between monthly meetings. Sometimes it’s easy to assume that a lack of substantial time to work on a task means you should wait to start. However, our incremental progress was key to finishing what we set out to do. We were “slow but steady”! (Just like the tortoise in the beloved fable… In fact, What if the Tortoise and the Hare Did a “Rose Bud Thorn”?) Looking back now, seven months was a more than reasonable amount of time to spend updating this tool. Discipline won over anything else here, and it was a lesson well learned.

4. Bring in test users to give feedback early and often. Once Gabby and I had created an initial version of the Simplified Vision Canvas, we held a test session with a small group of ITK team members and received valuable feedback. In hindsight, we probably could have held even more user sessions, earlier in the development process. Additionally, we focused most of our energy on updating the tool itself, but we could have benefited from doing targeted marketing to maximize the number of end users. A lesson learned for our next project? Absolutely. (Also, go use the tool!)

5. Develop your product/tool with a partner. Creating the Simplified Vision Canvas as a team of two, rather than a team of one, was markedly more effective—not to mention more fun. Our collaboration made us de facto accountability partners, and we benefited from diversity of thought. The end product would not have looked anything like it does today without our combined inputs. What’s more, working on a team allowed us to focus on the parts of the process that we were each most passionate about. Truly, it’s a win-win.

6. Adjust your expectations as you go, so that you can tie the bow on your product/tool and then dive into your next creative project. Gabby and I chose the “Vision” half of the original tool to update first, given that a high-level Vision statement is typically where a user would start. Although we aspired to update the “Mission” half of the tool next… we simply didn’t get to it. Oops! We may revisit this in the future, or we may not. Either way, I feel proud of what we did put together while also appreciating the potential for follow-on work.

Looking to try out the Simplified Vision Canvas yourself? There’s a free PDF version; a free and editable PowerPoint version (found on the bottom of the right side of the original Mission & Vision Canvas web page); and a reusable Mural template for MITRE users. Best of luck pursuing your very own Vision goals!

Wishing for a New Retrospective Tool

Wishing for a New Retrospective Tool

This week’s blog post is by Joanne Moore

As we close out 2023 and look forward to 2024, all sorts of media are providing a look back. Even my smartphone somehow generates a slideshow of pictures from the year. Funnily enough, some of those pictures capture awkward moments that I didn’t curate out of my files. We learn so much by spending a little time reflecting on what’s happened and what lies ahead.

In the same way, we learn quite a bit by conducting a retrospective exercise for our work—whether at the end of a project, or at some other milestone point. The beauty of a retrospective is the ability to provide thoughtful, critical and constructive feedback so we can learn and grow from the experience. The most common innovation tool to conduct a simple retrospective is called “rose, bud, thorn” (RBT) and asks what went well, what are the possibilities, and what are the pain points.  The RBT framework is time-tested, but sometimes it can spark controversy or be off-putting for some participants.

I recently had several opportunities to use an alternative to RBT that asks participants to complete sentences beginning with “I like, I wish, and I wonder.” This means of providing feedback tended to avoid assigning blame with “you” statements and concentrated instead on how the individual providing the feedback felt about the issue at hand. For example, “You were having meetings without including me” became “I like to be invited to all the meetings please”, and “This activity did not go well became “I wish this activity had gone better.”  The I wonder statements ask about possibilities, turning “we should do it that way next time” into “I wonder if it would be better to try it that way”.

These statements provided outlets for how people felt, how they would have rather seen the situation handled, and for what could work as a different approach. Thus, these questions arrive at the same outcome—a constructive list of what went well, what are the pain points, and what are the possibilities for the future. So next time your team is ready for a retrospective, try these three questions to get inclusive, constructive responses from the entire team.