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Chaos will ensue…

Following up on a previous blog post, here's another fun quote from Fredric Laloux's intriguing book Reinventing Organizations: "Chaos will ensue, which is what you hope for." To put that line in context, he's writing about the creative chaos that is generally...

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On the Road to ITK Facilitation: Practice & Feedback

On the Road to ITK Facilitation: Practice & Feedback

Today's post is co-authored by Bill Donaldson and Lauren Armbruster ITK Trainee’s Perspective: The road to becoming a certified Innovation Tool Kit (ITK) member is clear and full of community support-but it can also make the candidates a little nervous! For instance,...

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The D4 Approach To Innovation

New ITK team member Conor Mahoney introduces his D4 approach to innovation – Discovery, Deliberation, Deconstruction, and Development – and shows how to use ITK tools at each step.

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Introducing the updated ITK PAINstorming!

Introducing the updated ITK PAINstorming!

As part of Team Toolkit’s collaboration with the MITRE Social Justice Platform, we are excited to announce the equity-lens update to ITK PAINstorming! ITK PAINstorming helps improve your team’s understanding of a user’s behaviors, pain points, assumptions, and needs....

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Stakeholder Toolchains

Stakeholder Toolchains

The Innovation Toolkit has 5 stakeholder-related tools, and now that you know which one to use and when, the question becomes: How can I create an ITK Stakeholder Toolchain? As a quick refresher, Toolchains involve using a series of ITK tools in sequence, where the...

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