The other day, I was walking down the hallway at work and bumped into a relatively senior person in my Division. She asked if I’d moved into a new office space in this area.

I said “Yes, it’s just down that hallway.”

Her response – a big grin and “Show me!”

That moment, those two words, demonstrated genuine interest in me and my situation. It implied she might stop by sometime, or at the very least wanted to make sure I was well situated. She could have just said “Cool cool cool, glad to hear it, see ya later…” and kept on moving. I wouldn’t have thought anything of it, and probably would have simply been glad she said hello and asked a question.

Instead, she did more than the minimum. She spent two minutes and walked down the hall with me, to see my new office. That cost her almost nothing but had a big impact on me – I’m still thinking about it (and blogging about it!) weeks later.

Moments of connection like that go a long way towards building up a team.