ITK Blog - Facilitation Tips


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Blossom Explosion

Blossom Explosion

Preparation is essential for a successful ITK session. This week, we hear a first-hand story about different types of preparation… and what happens if we skip a step.

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The Barriers Petal

The Barriers Petal

No two Lotus Blossoms sessions are alike, because that particular tool is designed for maximum flexibility and broad applicability. You can do a Lotus Blossom around a problem statement or to explore solutions. You can use it to design an organization, outline a...

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Mise En Place

Mise En Place

If you've ever watched an instructional cooking show, you have probably seen the chef or host say something along the lines of "Now we add two tablespoons of cinnamon..." as they reach for a small conveniently placed bowl that contains just the right amount of the...

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